Sunday, February 27, 2011

Southland Leisure Center Youth Night Calgary

Your makeup seen by pros # 2 Gaëlle

But where was past our "Your makeup seen by the pros?! After I left overwhelmed by the work and will be back again this time regular, gentle readers for having sent me photos of their make up and the first part being rather win your favor (you can review the first part here ).
reminder so this is a topic that you propose to submit the makeup of your choice to two pros of beauty: one from a famous brand of cosmetics and beauty blogger. These expert advice you can glean some tips, tricks, and even professional recommendations.
For this second component is therefore Gaëlle, reader of my blog and blogger who wished to submit the makeup of choice for both professionals selected by me: Mathilde, who officiates at the blog "Life in blonde" and Sarah Mahler, training manager at Clarins makeup .
Gaëlle is 31 and describes her skin as dry mixed. Here are the photos she sent me:

Notice pros
Here is what our blogger Matilda beauty
" - First, congratulations for the gradient, the colors are melted together, it's smooth! She did well to choose the navy is on the barrel and brown eyes that change from black. For cons, I sent down a little less gray or taupe in the outer corner, because it gives him an air of Droopy.
- I do not know if it's supposed to be a make up day or evening, but a dash of black kohl in the mucosa and lower lash above would intensify the look and create a nice contrast with the navy blue. And I would add a small point of light in the inner corner, I like the Eye Bright by Benefit or mascara Phloof MAC to remain in the iridescent side.
- As it is brown, it would could afford to raise the navy a little higher in the outer corner and not just the eyelid. It would accentuate the effect smoky and pretty brown eyes.
- For the makeup, no say it is nicely unified but blush a little bit of fishing would fit well! I think she did well to leave his lips naturally. In short, I love all!
- End point: the eyebrow line is perfect but they are perhaps a bit too plucked in the center, so they are widely spaced. "
And thinks Sarah Mahler our expert?
" - The shading is well done, nice colors and well chosen. We see that Gaël is keen on makeup as the result.
- I do not know if it was used but I always recommend to apply a basis for the eyelid smoky take all day / evening and that the gradient is easier to achieve. The lid has a tendency to ooze which can transfer the blushes.
- Gaëlle would could fit a little more on the smocky Eye of the arch so we see eye to eye open. We tend to take as benchmark the fold of the eyelid rather than the bone of the arch to its gradient.
- Her complexion is very nice but it lacks a touch of blush to the cheekbone level to gain freshness. The lips are nude and clear complexion that gives one side "drama" (a little hard) in the face. I advise him eg Prodigy Blush No. 03 "miami pink" (spring / summer 2011 "Neo Pastels").
- Despite the smoky, so do not hesitate to apply lipstick slightly stained type "Rosewood" because it should not erase the lips, making them invisible. We heard so many times that when it comes to makeup was either cheese or dessert, or a pronounced eye makeup or lip color that dares to associate the two so that by making a slight color to lips we gain in freshness. I therefore advise Gaëlle to associate its smoky red lipstick as Red Hydra Nude No. 01 "pastel pink" or No. 02 "pastel coral (spring / summer 2011" Neo Pastels ") . "
I remind you that our beauty and our expert blogger Clarins were not for the concerted analysis of the makeup of Gaëlle, it is very interesting to see that their opinion is joined on a lot of points.
Many thanks to Mathilde and the Clarins team for agreeing to play the game and I spend a few minutes of their precious time and thank you for allowing me to Gaëlle spontaneously sent photos and contribute to my topic.
So girls, what do you think of this second installment of the "Your makeup seen by the pros? What do you think of makeup Gaëlle? Analysis of our pros?
Whether you are a reader of my blog and / or blogger, whatever your age, your style and your turn if you want to participate in the beauty category by offering your makeup (day or evening ) which will be embellished with practical tips and comments with great care by a blogger and an expert on beauty, so send me some pictures today (whole head, focus your eyes open / eyes closed), specifying what is your name, your age and your skin type
. A
your looks girls!


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