Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free Plans For A Dune Buggy

Back ... Around Rotorua

feet rested on the ground, the clock resetting the clock, the laundry machine, slammed the kisses to the family (or almost), the return is done!
The last two weeks at the other end of the earth have been placed under the sign of the holiday and the discovery of the North. The rain was our constant companion as was our car that we were separated a week of boarding the plane. Last week, the last day, last meal, last night ... the countdown has been faster than the entire year in-country long white cloud!
In return, what are the essential questions that we knock; "then how was it?", "and now, what do you do ?"... The first answer is easier to find than the second! It is more ambiguous cons us back into immediate concrete projects! Let us happiness and nostalgia vast spaces of New Zealand, allow us time to get back into the breakneck pace of its urban towns and excited, let us naively pleased to find the taste of bread, cheese and charcuterie, let us the right to dream of other horizons! Then comes the time for answers! Post envisaged as and As habits come back, too after we anticipate spoils the moment. It is a thousand times easier to consider the start to imagine the back! But we're back anyway!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fotos De Travesti Holga

Not really the time to write prose, just enough to say we're full view of the various phenomena of the geothermal region of Rotorua. Earth smoke, rivers are boiling, mud splashes, the volcons sleep, lakes sulfur stink! ...
We drive north to seek the sun, but it's the rain that accompanies us, almost without interruption. The beaches are likely to be less pretty, walking less attractive and less practical picnic ... Too bad, we'll still finish last 2 weeks of our trip here and take the flight!
The return to the North Island has been brutal, full of cars, lots of people, both red at all intersections, campaigns inhabited ... A world separates us from the Otago and South of the country!
Now that we are dry, we resume our journey, between 2 showers and we enthuse landscapes that we see through the windshield wipers!
We've had bad luck in the north with the weather! No wonder this country is so green and so wild! To our jackets and our boots, we are left to brave the drops!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Black On Kitten Nose Ringworm

balance in approaching the end of the trail

11 months have elapsed since our first foot on the wet floor of the Auckland Airport! Today it is difficult to summarize in a few lines all that time spent to discover a new country! So on the eve of departure from Queenstown where the suitcases were put half of this trip, we wonder what we will miss the most!
Do not see John Key every day on TV speaking on topics as diverse as avian flu or the disappointing results of the All Blacks? Do not meet him in person at the corner of a bath crowd? Do not watch on TV advertising interspersed with film? Do not cross people barefoot in supermarkets? Not having to yield to the car that comes across when you want to turn left? Do not need to wear 3 sweaters in the house at night to avoid freezing to death? Do not feel the earth move under our feet? In
réfléhissant, which will miss most probably the beauty of the landscape, the sunrise over the Remarkables chain, the calm of Lake Wakatipu, the mix of nationalities, the people relaxed mind, positive attitude premises as there is never a problem, opening up the supermarket midnight or even the privilege of being in a paradise!

We have two good weeks to finish our journey. So en route to the North to enjoy one last time to discover unknown places and assets of the country.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Black Pants Purple Shirt

Small world

Until then, it's a normal day. Then there is 13h when a group of people arrived at the hotel to register and get the keys to their rooms. One client
m'étudie carefully, then wonder
"Do not I'd seen him somewhere?"
thoughtfully, I reply that it is possible but remember the head this gentleman.
He continues to search the depths of his memory and say to myself
"it must be in Europe ... probably in France in Carcassonne ... ... No, not in Carcassonne, but rather in Toulouse!"
Suddenly, a flash memory returns to me. I remember once having allowed this customer with his wife in the residential hotel where I worked last year. I instantly recalled the conversation with the couple exchanged New Zealand, I had told them my travel plans in their beautiful country and asked them where they were! We all exclaim
"Yes, we met at Citéa!"
and I continue:
"You were with your wife and you're in the bay of ..."
"Bay of Plenty" he replied!

What chance, what a coincidence! This gentleman, who probably travel more than me, remembers the receptionist at the hotel where he stayed during a trip to Toulouse 14 months ago! Never would I recognized this gentleman! Guests file past my desk, asking me the same questions and they all look a bit! Some of my mark and leave vivid memories, snatches of about print sometimes, but mostly, their faces fade!
This special time of the day though rather trivial a priori completely filled me with joy! Someone at the other end of the world still remembers the reception I gave him long before and recognizes me when I meet him in a totally different environment!
With this anecdote, I realize that a single receptionist, ephemeral character in the life of any person in transit, can create a unique and lasting impression!
What a small world and that the encounter with others is rich!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Design Process Of A Toy-bike

The city of multi-skilled remote

Queenstown is a small town where one crosses the same faces at every corner. Crowds of travelers, backpack and hat on the head this city choose to put their luggage and take advantage of the strengths of the region. Thus was born the "political hat"! Because there is no miracle (unless you get lucky lotto or casino) to be able to enjoy life here, you must stack the hours of work! On the same day, we recognize the supermarket cashier to work evenings at the bar or seller of Leroy Merlin Local pick up glasses in a pub. It then crosses the same people in various trades, dressed in black to serve a buffet and the next day dressed in brown to accommodate hotel guests. We even saw a Maori dancer used for tourist folk performances held at the entrance to a nightclub after her performance and filter revelers. Be 2-3 jobs handrail is in a city where working hours fluctuate depending on tourism, a week will be busy while the other will count as twenty hours. Such as entertainers, we juggle between various positions, sometimes on the plates or filling shelves, or sometimes cooking pizzas in the evening and guiding the day paragliders.
Myself has different hats! Week, I am a full time receptionist. But 35 hours per week (on average) are not sufficient enough to supply the account. Then, during my days off, I am sometimes a waitress for a catering company or hotel competitor at conferences, or maid again among competitors more or less direct! A customer recognized me the same day he left the Crowne Plawa and threw me innocently "You were not working last night at the Millennium?" Her cheeks reddened, I quietly told him that yes, it was me and follow up on their bill to pay to close the connection embarrassing! Not that it is not possible here to combine several jobs, but working for the competition bothers me a bit, I prefer to keep a low profile!

Today is rest day! Rather than lowering the couch watching the rain fall, Julien and I are getting ready to put on our black clothing and climb the cable car taking us to our workplace that evening and a buffet restaurant altitude where food is abundant and where customers leave sated place the belly too full.

Those few hours we will probably not have too much to tighten our belts during our recent travels we prepare before boarding the flight back to France!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dress Shirt Untucked With Sweater

First St Germain du Pinel, two absent guests attending the live town hall at the wedding!
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 15h were united and Cecilia Francis, surrounded by family. One person was missing: the little sister of the bride. That day separated from it by 20000km, family members Louin and Martin have been together around the mayor to attend the ceremony. He has just two computers connected to the Internet and especially the synchronization with a loyal accomplice to make the occasion an event where everyone was together! Recital of facts.
It is 0:30 in New Zealand when Cecilia, the sister of the groom, joined the expatriates on the Internet. The guests physically invest the rows of chairs in the wedding room while waiting 2 absent in the Secretariat of the Town Hall. Once all installed, it brings the computer out the window of the room where the union will be celebrated and, to the surprise of few, the emigrants are in the forefront. The original photo session with the couple has something to be remembered most young and older while behind the screen, the expatriates were smiling and puzzled air of being the target of photographic lenses!
say that 10 years ago the technology could not make it possible to go away!
We admire the great interest that the father has for what must have seemed an extravagance of the twenty-first century!
First St Germain, but probably commonplace at the end of this century!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Current Events Articles First Aid

Wedding Night skiing

The idea is not bad, but it deserves improvement. Coronet Peak, one of the ski resorts of Queenstown leaves open its doors on Friday and Saturday night sessions. One chairlift runs, leaving skiers a limited selection of tracks.
Excited by our first night session, we go down the road by hundreds of car home from their snowy day. Once up there, dusk points his nose. We still assembling all the time up there on the observatory overlooking the valley. Some skiers and snowboarders are already waiting - beer in hand - the spectacle of the sunset. The lights of the day weaken and turn from blue to orange. In the distance, Mt Aspiring is colored colors pink and light the shores of Lake! The sun goes behind the mountain and the air is cooler. Spotlights illuminating the slopes are becoming increasingly useful, they are not always sufficient, it is easy to be surprised by the bump hidden by darkness! The inconsistency of the lighting added to the speed of the fans of mountain inattentive and slightly alcoholic make the exercise a little night skiing particular. Mulled wine flowing, overflowing beer, music braille, it's Friday!
We expect that the clouds thinned to admire the full moon. Strange sensations to be on skis at night, facing the slope and under the stars ... sometimes but not always safe! The cold tickles, hot chocolate is welcome and we soon to return! I feel that it is already midnight ... no, it's only 21h, we skied 4 good hours, but we are happy slap! We would have loved a fondue, but never mind, we shall lie down taste buds frustrated!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sell Wooden Fingerboard

The earth shook

Tonight, comfortably installed in our sofas by the fireplace, book in hand and the TV in the background, a sound of thunder echoes in the distance. We call our roommate, New Zealand, more experienced than us about life in this country and submit it our feeling of instability .... We cut the TV, tendons ear, we stand on our feet. Yes, the house move ... it's an earthquake. For a few seconds, maybe 30/40 - time will seem interminable - shaking intrigue us, we hesitate between fear and awe by force of nature ... Contrary to good advice taught to work at a training session, such as poor student, I can not help but get close to the windows to look outside. Nothing falls, the tremor stops already and we breathe a sigh of relief. It was not yet the "Big One"!
After we recovered from the excitement of novelty, we hop on the computer to confirm the event. After some research, we come across a few sites dedicated to the observation of seismic activity. Eureka! There was indeed an earthquake 175km away from here, measured at 7.8 or 6.6 at the epicenter according to sources! We soon feel the need to share our emotions hot typing these few lines. This event for thousands of ordinary people too accustomed to disasters of this kind, we honestly impressed while fascinating us! In retrospect, realizing that what we just experienced was only an exercise routine for Mother Nature and that probably no one and nothing is found damaged, we are pleased to have been fully aware of the quake and especially not have been where sea lions and penguins had to spend almost smell them ... ...!

PS: reference for enthusiasts and curious
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2009jcap .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Wig Medusa Soul Eater

The winter season and festivities started, launched by the Festival of Winter. It has long been announced, waited impatiently imagined grandiose. It would be huge, attracting hundreds of people, prevent the city from sleeping. It will eventually short for us, virtually ignored and not so lively as that. Not that the program of activities was non-existent, no, there were some curiosities such as a costume contest dives into the lake, fireworks, a carnival or the ski jumps on the slopes. However, none of which excite us, us Europeans, perhaps too accustomed to shows much more impressive animations or whose creativity make them more original. Once again, we're a little disappointed by the attempts of organizing events. The local crowd seemed rather contented with the fireworks that has yet lasted 2mn 20s, excited by the carnival from 2-3 masks marching to the sound of drums Brazilian monotone, before a hilarious race of Directors of 'disguised as hotels Dragqueen sastisfaite or by a combination of Top Blokes (sort of "Mister Queenstown) where the pride and the burden seems to be the qualities to please! We realize that this kind of events is in fact mostly a good opportunity to meet friends and share a beer or mulled wine!
After 10 days of the festival, families have arrived in Queenstown to spend their two weeks holiday, the streets are again filled and the line of cars stretches in front of our house when the slopes close at 16h. Winter is here!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saint For Lyme Disease

Is raring

Off tomorrow morning in Lyon, Wednesday, June 24 at 8:15 am for Delhi. We arrive in Delhi at 23h and we take off tomorrow morning for Leh, the capital of Ladakh, which lies at 3500m altitude.
There are a few days to acclimate to the altitude, relax, and soak up local culture.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Multiple Stops Route Planner

Winter Festival is the winter .. . French Victory

No music festival organization or weekends at the beach, here, we live the shortest night of the year with temperatures freezing pipes! The ski resorts are open, the sun tracks ice, cold to cool the houses ... We look forward to the festival winter, big event will ring next week's season opener. Schools are preparing to close for two weeks and announce the arrival of a flood of citizens seeking a bit of fresh air and joys of winter and with a story of broken arms! Regrettably perhaps the offseason! ...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Facebook How Do I Restrict Friends


on foot and local transportation, we will form a loop in northern India, from 24/06/09 until 09/23/2009, which takes us from Leh, Ladakh's capital, Delhi. After several days of acclimatization to altitude in Leh, we walked through the Zanskar "mineral" on nearly 300 km. Then, Spiti Valley Lake Tso Kar we go through our other 300 km trek in the highlands of Rupshu. High passes in wide valleys we lurching between 3200 m and 5730 m.

phase of acclimatization at Leh
We land in Delhi on June 24 The next day we will win by plane to Leh Ladakh, where we will stay a few days. As this region lies in the Himalayas, Leh, the capital, is already at 3500 m. This immersion will allow us both to immerse ourselves in our new environment and get acclimatized to the altitude. We wander to the discovery of Leh, its streets with its palaces, monasteries, stupas (religious buildings boudhiques) ... Preferring the quiet villages to cities, we will be staying around Leh. Visiting monasteries near Leh, such as Phyang, Shey, Spituk we will immerse ourselves in the Buddhist culture. We enjoy being in town to supply us for our first trek. By bus we will go to Lamayuru, the starting point of our hiking adventure, which will take us to Sarchu, 300 km away, across the Zanskar.

1.Traversée Zanskar: Lamayuru-Sarchu
route is through the "classical", ie the less difficult, we start walking to get acclimatized gradually. We then continue on a path less traveled, which will take us through the remote village of Nyerog and cross three mountain passes with our first 5000! A Pigmo, we get the Zanskar river, which is reverse to its tributary the Doda. The geomorphology of this place has promoted the development of a center of life. The capital of Zanskar, Padum, is also present, as well as many villages and "gompas" (monasteries). After refueling at Padum, we return the height reaching 5140 m Stongde the neck. On the way we lead, we will cross the mountain pastures, where we hope to cross breeders. A little bit of life with them we will discover the traditional breeding methods: the trafficking, processing of milk in its various forms ... Continuing south, we reach the river of Tsarap, which will guide us until Phuktal. Then up the Kargyag Chu, we eclipses in the unspoilt valley Shing. We will leave its people for the final leg of this trek will lead us to Sarchu, from our highest point of Zanskar Surichun on the, at 5620 m. We thus arrive on the road that will lead us to Manali.

2.Du Rupshu in Spiti, there is only one step, and finally a "la" (pass)!
At Manali we take the time to rest, while resolving some constraints to obtain administrative permission to access the Rupshu region of our second trek. This, we will leave the Spiti in the state of Himachal Pradesh to get to lake Tso Moriri, then the Highlands Rupshu to the Tibetan border. Here live the last nomadic changpa rupshupa and raising their pashmina goats and yaks. After we refueled
in Manali, we will take the road that follows the Spiti valley, where we take the opportunity to visit monasteries. A Kibbe, we will begin our second trip to the North. As a gateway, the Parang Pass, we will open access to this wild setting, what the Rupshu. Going down, we get Lake Tso Moriri, we stringers west coast to Korzog. After skirting the lake from the north, will turn counterclockwise around the Kangri Massif to join two other small lakes and attempt to meet the nomadic herders. If the links are created, we will stay a while with them. The end of summer approaching, we resume our way north and will cross the highlight of our stay: the Sumdo at 5730 m, way out of this haven. Taking to the West, we'll go round the Tso Kar (another lake) to reach the road that will take us to Manali.

On the return
After a stop near Dharamsala, the exile Tibetan government, we will reach Delhi by train: the best way to get back into civilization smoothly. We spend our days in India visiting Delhi and surrounding areas, including the inevitable Taj Mahal. Come explore the virtual tour in 360 ° by clicking on the site http://www.taj-mahal.net/index.htm

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kojic Acid Long Term Effects

About Contact

Our little family consists of Florence, 29, Project manager, Sylvain, 35, mountain guide, ski patroller and Amber, 5, Schoolgirl.
6 years, we live in small mountain villages, seasonal or permanent. We now live in the Valley of Maurienne Villards. Attached to the mountain, its peoples, its cultures, its natural environments and landscapes, we live in harmony. The hiking and other outdoor sports allow us to go découvrir.Par the places where we live and our respective experience, we have seen the negative effects of mass tourism in the mountains, both on culture as on the environment. This observation is born from our draft discover all men and mountain land preserved without affecting their balance.

This project, what is it?

On foot and local transportation, we will form a loop in northern India, from 24/06/09 until 23/09/2009, which takes us from Leh, Ladakh's capital, Delhi. After several days of acclimatization to altitude in Leh, we walked through the Zanskar "mineral" on nearly 300 km. Then, in the Spiti valley lake Tso Kar we go through our other 300 km trek in the highlands of Rupshu. High passes in wide valleys, we lurching between 3200 m and 5730 m.

In villages "Doks" (farmhouses), or monasteries in nomad camps, we go, off the beaten usual, to meet the peoples living there. Everything will then excuse to linger a moment or more: some of the children with games, a discussion in multiple language, an invitation ... Curious, we do not want to be mere consumers of space, but to take part in the daily activities of families. We will leave time for exchange and sharing, to enable the two cultures to learn a lot from each other. The adventure is thought to be able to live it every three, not one or even two. We will therefore be accompanied by their horses and mule. Repeatedly, we change our travel companions, with the aim of promoting local financial benefits. We will have the opportunity to share our journey together with their valleys connoisseurs!

We feed the blog of stories, photos, videos, and we enjoy sharing our impressions with you ... These moments put together, illustrate our history "shared" in both family and with these other mountain people.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hypoglycemia And Anemia

Homemade Alice & Wonderland Cake



Larger Map

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sprint Account Log Of Text Message

You could not miss the game All Blacks - France! The meeting announced the news in recent days, the Paris exchange, the appointments are organized ... Short of physically attend the game due to time, we joined the stools at the bar specializing in broadcasting the games around a circle of supporters patriotic and have trampled not wait for the entry of players on the pitch. Over the points scored by the Blues, the faces are turned on us, some annoyed by our arrogance, others amused by our enthusiasm. When finally the whistle signals the end of the match and seal the victory of French players, our joy explodes and the feeling of being abroad reappears!

The bar previously filled with local pride evident confident of victory of their team "Invincible," is suddenly empty, the most courageous ending their beer compete with our smiles and our arrogant "Allez les Bleus" incessant! The evening ends later, after a pizza dinner washed down with French champagne (requires chauvinism) and pride full cheeks. The next day, the Paris won against our opponents NZ pay (for me, a bottle of local wine produced by a French, as what here people are not vindictive!) And all eyes are now turning to next Saturday when France could possibly give a lesson in rugby at the famous team that makes the country's reputation!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Racquel Darrian Pool Table

the East, nothing new

Not always easy to update a travel blog when really feels like to mop. Work pocket, a roof over their heads, familiar landmarks, landscapes, well known make life here a relatively sedentary existence eventually. Some opportunities are yet to finish exploring the South Island. There were only the foot of Mount Cook to close the loop to visit the region. Now it is in Queenstown people clinging to the lake where the water is always the same blue, the mountains that hide the sun from the middle of the afternoon. The winter sets in and sometimes freezes all access to the outside world (snowy roads, necks, flights diverted). The Wakatipu Basin is the cradle for our whole season. Tracks Ski preparing to open stores organize their shelves complete equipment rental ski, the information center "snow" are already hosting the first festival enthusiasts and fignolent organization. Pending the return of tourists, the city sits and enjoys the final moments of calm before the avalanche of visitors. Queenstown in mid season is probably another Queenstown but it's worth it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stoping Yaz Mid Cycle

Weekend in the Catlins

He only needed to visit the Catlins region, at the south east of the country to loop around the South Island. The leaflets, beaches, forests, vast spaces and pristine, immaculate beauty, geological curiosities ... The field is what is actually found, we are nevertheless disappointed. Not that the beaches are not pretty, the hills and fields of sight does not inspire calm and relaxation or as forests are of no interest. No, actually, we saw much more picturesque coastline in Abel Tasman park, natural areas so more wild on the West Coast, corner of paradise scattered elsewhere on the island! Far from being tired or bored by the country travel to rehearsal, we note only that the Catlins region is not the inevitable destination the country, especially for tourists limited by their retention times. We do however regret not having run the 180km coastal road stretching from Invercargill to Balclutha. May and his time less summer discourages visitors and we do not come across many people on the road. steps are common: a waterfall here, a beach there, another waterfall farther and caves carved into the rock or a fossil forest. A route, few opportunities to drive us away because we around, there is nothing! New Zealand in the rough, where there is no fear the thief or the unknown, where nature has every right!

We return to Queenstown, a city decidedly well stranger! We find a lake surrounded by mountains whose tops whiten a bit more every morning. Coats and gloves are our most valued companions. 2 new days off ahead, but this time, no program planned to visit another region for the rain (snow?), Wind and cold are expected and we may condemn us to bundle up under blankets in front the chimney. We are thinking of you and the joys of spring!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Manihish Molohtra Sarees

Fall Colours

If in Europe, can afford to stuff yourself with chocolate Easter because the warm weather arrives, and with them walks on the beach and outdoor activities here, I do not give me the right to eat eggs, or various bells sugars may m'empâter the approach of winter! The very mild fall so far dips gently into winter. The first snow fell and even if they disappeared from the sunshine of tomorrow, the cool nights of shows that I will i longer my summer dresses. Meanwhile the intense cold, the sun provides us the perfect time to enjoy the colorful scenery of the surrounding mountains. Along the lake, lawns were covered with carpets of golden leaves, trees are adorned with bright colors and sunsets color the sky pink.
A Arrowtown, a small village close to become prosperous through research of gold, the fall festival celebrates its 25th candle. The crowd is compact, the main street is crowded with curious onlookers. I expected to colorful parades, entertainment and rich festive pumpkin and mushrooms, reconstructions of gold diggers! This is truly a community parade of firefighters, the retirement home, school dance or the vet! I am definitely still surprised by this country who despite his young age has a history q hether does not operate. This festival rather disappointing, however, was worth the trip so the fall colors are exceptional in the village and its surroundings.
We spend the late afternoon at a table in a bar sipping a beer and enjoying a pizza and thought the Anglo-Saxons have an idea of the festival quite different from that of Latin! We will return quietly to Queenstown, stopping along a lake (another) whose only excitement is the swimming swans and ducks. Striking contrast with the crowd and animation festival Permanent Queenstown! Easter
finished, we look at the tourists from gradually, businesses prepare for their annual shutdown and the latest construction rush to complete projects. He will remain here as permanent workers and some travelers prefer the low season. If the merry month of May promises to be sad in this city where tourism is the engine and where outdoor activities abound. Provided that the sun is a little warm this season and the rain does not wet too while basting the tops of snow on the peaks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Funny Tombstone Decorations

Weekend in the Milford Sounds

Due to a long weekend holiday to commemorate the anniversary of the province of Otago, a shining sun and 2 days off after a few days of training have created the ideal time to discover the surrounding fjords. It took 4 hours drive to reach one of the wonders of the country. The long road passes through valleys and desert sometimes broad, sometimes dense vegetation or hemmed by mountains whose peaks rise steeply. You do not get tired of the road leading us to fjords deemed to be even more beautiful in the rain. By bad luck - or accidentally from the point of view - the sun never stops shine and dazzling peaks and cliffs plunging into the oily waters of the Tasman Sea. The landscape is quite exceptional.
Our late arrival confronts us with the light fading of the day playing behind the dark masses of rocks. We feel humbled by the extent of water and breathtaking mountains. We will explore the ancient glacial valley kayak away from boats sailing without stopping in fjords and at a much more "earthy" than dozens of planes or helicopters circling around the place. Hand or in fresh water or on the paddle, I forget to row to better admire the view, enjoy the tranquility and magnificence of the place and recharge my busy days in recent weeks. The boat glides gently on the water (thanks to my galley I must say!), Approaching sea lions, dolphins move to the left, grazes the steep cliffs, walks under a waterfall slows to stargazing sea or to capture a photo of this fantastic place. A few hours sailing give us a good overview of the place and we can take time to enjoy the exploration. It is likely that I go back, probably more present in the clouds or driving rain. It is said that thanks to the weather, water dripping from the cliffs created impressive waterfalls and the mist and clouds mystify the table. I will have the opportunity to compare the landscape and decide if the visitor is lucky in the rain or sun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kew Garden Court House Number


For more than 10 days now that I put my bag in Queenstown, the town where New Zealanders advised not to stay as too touristy, too commercial, too busy, too expensive. While the business opportunities are plentiful, and competition among providers is fierce, bungee jumping, jet boating in rivers, parachuting, paragliding and other para-, cruises, kayaking, rafting, etc. etc.. Queenstown, adventure sports capital, a city of extremes. The streets are filled with pictures of tourists posing in front of a statue of Kiwi giant ice or sipping their vast Patagonia, the price of bread or milk is beyond comprehension and bars and night clubs never close. Here one sees neither elderly nor nursing home! Maybe this is not the real New Zealand that we experience here because the real estate and tourism development in Europe and encountered more than local Australian. But the young atmosphere of the city and the magnificent mountains that surround it are in place to spend a winter to remember. 3 ski resorts nearby, beautiful lakes around, hiking to heights overlooking the whole massif, charming villages a few kilometers or Fjord at 4am to discover the road. The place can certainly displeasing but despite the commercial side, the place is magical and unique.
A good job in hand, I'm ready to face the arrival of autumn and winter and enjoy the last rays of sun on the pebble beach bordering the lake. Soon the trees along the lake dye to form a picturesque scene. The first flakes of snow have already fallen and milled few peaks. The icy wind gave an overview of what will be here in winter: cold and wet. But I hope to be able to comfort me over a cup of hot chocolate while admiring the lake surrounded by the snowy mountains and thinking of you sunbathing on the beaches of the Landes (nod to my dear reader).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How To Build Small Film Sets

Queenstown Ice ...

The road west and then over a pass requires braving the clouds and rain to see the magnificent vistas of the West Coast. So with the k-ways and the umbrella as we prepare to go to the other side ... Approaching the famous saddle between the South Island in 2 opposite sides - Western underwater and Eastern under the sun, the sky is in charge, the rain threat, then at the top where the view would be wonderful, a few drops fall. Then back down by our greatest opportunity, the sun makes us pretty surprised to accompany us for some wonderful days exploring the coast of the wettest countries! In
southbound successive huge beaches whose only inhabitants are dried tree trunks stranded mountains whose summits are covered with snow, dense forests of tree ferns and other species worthy of populating the thickest jungles. Soon we arrive in the region the most accessible glaciers in the world. The Franz Joseph and Fox Glacier descend to an altitude of 300m, all that effort is not insurmountable for us to approach. Security measures prevent us from advancing to the point of touch, but never mind, it is impressive too far! Later, away little by little, the view expands to the entire Alps, and even Mount Cook unfolds and offers us the gift to be admired in a sky of perfect blue !
The next morning, along a short stroll around a lake, reflections on the water of the surrounding peaks make it a picture postcard.
The road then leads us still further south, this time to reach the lakes. Queenstown is the ideal place to rest a few bites of Sandfly (sand fly that has something to cripple the ankle a few days less sensitive) and recharge the batteries a little to start over again to other beautiful landscapes!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sinus Headache Edgar Cayce

Picnic Sunday

What's better than a makeshift picnic on the beach with a basket full of good flavors of the area by early evening sun? the menu, foie gras spread on warm crusty homemade bread, a bowl decorated with duck breast a few dried tomatoes, all washed down with a nice little red wine ... The happiness of French gastronomy that lack both abroad!

greedy little break before re attacking a new wave travels in the country. Step Christchurch, which lasted a good time ends. She has helped fill in a little purse and experience daily life with the kiwis. The road back south towards the blanks, approaching the coast of Antarctica (we hear, the continent is still distant, we will ask probably never walk that far), fjords and glaciers and lakes surrounded by mountains. The fall peak his nose, what color the forests and hills of the most beautiful colors. We probably will accompany rain, wind and cold, but no matter, New Zealand is assessed in all weather conditions (although I hope not to freeze or not to find myself soaked for the duration of our adventures)
hope to feed this blog some stories or pictures, but we are not sure you can find frequent and fast Internet connections. We will try nevertheless to show signs of life from these distant lands where you roll the R and pace where the weather the day of the farmer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Play Age Of Empires 1 Without A Cd

Super 14: Crusaders / Chiefs

The weekend took place on the kickoff of the Super14, major rugby tournament in the southern hemisphere. It includes teams from New Zealand, Australia and South Africa and is dominated by several seasons since the team moved to Christchurch Crusaders (that falls well ...). The first game of the season is a clash between New Zealand: the Chiefs are based in Hamilton in the North Island. Players All Blacks are present on the lawn in both teams.
The event is played in a stadium half full, a forum is under construction for the next Rugby World Cup and the atmosphere is very family with many children that encourage their team while not yet assimilated all the rules of the game however quickly we realize that we are far the folly of European fans who scream and sing during the match. No, here the audience chatter, get up regularly to get to eat or drink after a distracted eye encounter. Only tries scored by their team appeared out of their torpor. Yet the proposed show is not uninteresting and fairly balanced game. The final score 19-13 for Crusaders (3 tries to 2) would also have been higher without the bad choice by the Chiefs mainly. At the end of the match, access to a part of the lawn is allowed to conduct an autograph session and allow the kids to approach even closer to their idols. We'll go on the lawn without begging for autographs ... Indeed later in the evening we will meet the star of the team and the All Blacks captain Richie McCaw, patiently waiting his turn at the back of a petrol station!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Razor Polaris For Sale

Each February 6th is a holiday to celebrate the peace treaty between the British colonists and Maori. The treaty, which was signed Feb. 6, 1840, is considered the founding document of the nation of New Zealand, although it is quickly challenged by Maori (for simplicity, say that the English translation rather have their advantage). As our July 14, various events are held across the country. In Christchurch, an outdoor concert of classical music was organized last night followed by the traditional fireworks. The breeze has not pushed the crowd who came to attend the many fine performance of the symphony orchestra of Canterbury. Picnics, beer and glasses wine helped to keep warm while a movement or dance.
the morning of Waitangi Day, I headed to the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, animal reserves and Maori village, to attend dances and songs commemorative special day for Maori. Under a scorching sun and a few ounces of sunscreen, I visit the animals in between the sneak strollers: ducks and other birds, wallabies, monkeys and more exceptional, kiwi ... endangered species living only in the moonlight New Zealand. The clarity of their dark shelter allows visitors to see them but prevents any photo shoots!
Once posted before the ascent stage for the event, I heard shouts and sounds approaching strangers. Then just before my nose, Maori warriors come and go dressed in their finery, their eyes bulging and tongue. These men of impressive scale terrorize me, I suddenly feel very small and vulnerable. Continuing their dances, they gradually move away and join the scene. Successive songs, dances, explanations of some traditions and finally the famous haka!
Internet access is unfortunately too slow to upload a video of their performance and it is difficult to describe the show. Chills, fear and admiration are the key words that come to mind. I imagine the sudden horror of rugby players to face-to-face the All Blacks transformed by the passion and seriousness of the haka ... enough to send shivers down your back!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Uncensored Brazillian

Waitangi Day Holiday New Year prison

hard to keep up a travelogue. Actually, right now there is not much to tell because the days are alike. After enjoying some wonderful local discoveries, it is time to ask, curbing spending, or even earn a few dollars.
While the man went to the fields, I sink "painful days in jail" ... Not to worry, it's no longer a prison, just a former prison turned into a cheap hosting! To complete this disciplinary stay, I'll take care of making beds in the military, to polish the rudimentary furniture, waxing the floor and perform other tasks. In exchange for these services, daily menus, the bed and some other benefits are offered free of charge. Not a dull moment when 3 hours per day are spent making the place sparkling clean! Plus a few hours at the airport and various interviews. Time is no longer leisure and travel, but rather to work and sacrifice, like the building in which I spend my nights.

Sometimes Sometimes I escape these walls to feel the heat of the sun keeps shining and soak up the euphoria of a city summer vacation. A festival of street art has just begun and attracts artists from around the world. Lying in the grass of the park, watch the acrobats, listen to the musician, comedian laugh while smelling the smell of pancakes ... Hard work deserves some reward simple and free ...

Such a long journey can only be filled with good times. However, even during these time restrictions, the traveler's mind remains alert. Meet people from different backgrounds, exchange ideas or destination more often discover new facets of his person and seek his own limits remain the essential contribution of the journey, the sense of desire indeed.
Like a juggler walking on a wire, I am a traveler seeking the balance between movement and slow, geographical discoveries and saving money, self-awareness and openness to others, monotonous and impromptu adventure. Thus I consider this trip, hoping that a virtuous rate needed during the coming months this expedition to the Antipodes.