Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sprint Account Log Of Text Message

You could not miss the game All Blacks - France! The meeting announced the news in recent days, the Paris exchange, the appointments are organized ... Short of physically attend the game due to time, we joined the stools at the bar specializing in broadcasting the games around a circle of supporters patriotic and have trampled not wait for the entry of players on the pitch. Over the points scored by the Blues, the faces are turned on us, some annoyed by our arrogance, others amused by our enthusiasm. When finally the whistle signals the end of the match and seal the victory of French players, our joy explodes and the feeling of being abroad reappears!

The bar previously filled with local pride evident confident of victory of their team "Invincible," is suddenly empty, the most courageous ending their beer compete with our smiles and our arrogant "Allez les Bleus" incessant! The evening ends later, after a pizza dinner washed down with French champagne (requires chauvinism) and pride full cheeks. The next day, the Paris won against our opponents NZ pay (for me, a bottle of local wine produced by a French, as what here people are not vindictive!) And all eyes are now turning to next Saturday when France could possibly give a lesson in rugby at the famous team that makes the country's reputation!


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