Friday, June 19, 2009

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on foot and local transportation, we will form a loop in northern India, from 24/06/09 until 09/23/2009, which takes us from Leh, Ladakh's capital, Delhi. After several days of acclimatization to altitude in Leh, we walked through the Zanskar "mineral" on nearly 300 km. Then, Spiti Valley Lake Tso Kar we go through our other 300 km trek in the highlands of Rupshu. High passes in wide valleys we lurching between 3200 m and 5730 m.

phase of acclimatization at Leh
We land in Delhi on June 24 The next day we will win by plane to Leh Ladakh, where we will stay a few days. As this region lies in the Himalayas, Leh, the capital, is already at 3500 m. This immersion will allow us both to immerse ourselves in our new environment and get acclimatized to the altitude. We wander to the discovery of Leh, its streets with its palaces, monasteries, stupas (religious buildings boudhiques) ... Preferring the quiet villages to cities, we will be staying around Leh. Visiting monasteries near Leh, such as Phyang, Shey, Spituk we will immerse ourselves in the Buddhist culture. We enjoy being in town to supply us for our first trek. By bus we will go to Lamayuru, the starting point of our hiking adventure, which will take us to Sarchu, 300 km away, across the Zanskar.

1.Traversée Zanskar: Lamayuru-Sarchu
route is through the "classical", ie the less difficult, we start walking to get acclimatized gradually. We then continue on a path less traveled, which will take us through the remote village of Nyerog and cross three mountain passes with our first 5000! A Pigmo, we get the Zanskar river, which is reverse to its tributary the Doda. The geomorphology of this place has promoted the development of a center of life. The capital of Zanskar, Padum, is also present, as well as many villages and "gompas" (monasteries). After refueling at Padum, we return the height reaching 5140 m Stongde the neck. On the way we lead, we will cross the mountain pastures, where we hope to cross breeders. A little bit of life with them we will discover the traditional breeding methods: the trafficking, processing of milk in its various forms ... Continuing south, we reach the river of Tsarap, which will guide us until Phuktal. Then up the Kargyag Chu, we eclipses in the unspoilt valley Shing. We will leave its people for the final leg of this trek will lead us to Sarchu, from our highest point of Zanskar Surichun on the, at 5620 m. We thus arrive on the road that will lead us to Manali.

2.Du Rupshu in Spiti, there is only one step, and finally a "la" (pass)!
At Manali we take the time to rest, while resolving some constraints to obtain administrative permission to access the Rupshu region of our second trek. This, we will leave the Spiti in the state of Himachal Pradesh to get to lake Tso Moriri, then the Highlands Rupshu to the Tibetan border. Here live the last nomadic changpa rupshupa and raising their pashmina goats and yaks. After we refueled
in Manali, we will take the road that follows the Spiti valley, where we take the opportunity to visit monasteries. A Kibbe, we will begin our second trip to the North. As a gateway, the Parang Pass, we will open access to this wild setting, what the Rupshu. Going down, we get Lake Tso Moriri, we stringers west coast to Korzog. After skirting the lake from the north, will turn counterclockwise around the Kangri Massif to join two other small lakes and attempt to meet the nomadic herders. If the links are created, we will stay a while with them. The end of summer approaching, we resume our way north and will cross the highlight of our stay: the Sumdo at 5730 m, way out of this haven. Taking to the West, we'll go round the Tso Kar (another lake) to reach the road that will take us to Manali.

On the return
After a stop near Dharamsala, the exile Tibetan government, we will reach Delhi by train: the best way to get back into civilization smoothly. We spend our days in India visiting Delhi and surrounding areas, including the inevitable Taj Mahal. Come explore the virtual tour in 360 ° by clicking on the site


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