Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stoping Yaz Mid Cycle

Weekend in the Catlins

He only needed to visit the Catlins region, at the south east of the country to loop around the South Island. The leaflets, beaches, forests, vast spaces and pristine, immaculate beauty, geological curiosities ... The field is what is actually found, we are nevertheless disappointed. Not that the beaches are not pretty, the hills and fields of sight does not inspire calm and relaxation or as forests are of no interest. No, actually, we saw much more picturesque coastline in Abel Tasman park, natural areas so more wild on the West Coast, corner of paradise scattered elsewhere on the island! Far from being tired or bored by the country travel to rehearsal, we note only that the Catlins region is not the inevitable destination the country, especially for tourists limited by their retention times. We do however regret not having run the 180km coastal road stretching from Invercargill to Balclutha. May and his time less summer discourages visitors and we do not come across many people on the road. steps are common: a waterfall here, a beach there, another waterfall farther and caves carved into the rock or a fossil forest. A route, few opportunities to drive us away because we around, there is nothing! New Zealand in the rough, where there is no fear the thief or the unknown, where nature has every right!

We return to Queenstown, a city decidedly well stranger! We find a lake surrounded by mountains whose tops whiten a bit more every morning. Coats and gloves are our most valued companions. 2 new days off ahead, but this time, no program planned to visit another region for the rain (snow?), Wind and cold are expected and we may condemn us to bundle up under blankets in front the chimney. We are thinking of you and the joys of spring!


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