Thursday, December 30, 2010

Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse 5000pin

Before departure

At 22, I decided to leave Australia as an au pair, the beginning of a great adventure ... But before landing on Australian soil, we must dispense with some formalities:

1 - find his agency to serve as an intermediate, some have registration procedures longer than the other, they sometimes have to take 6 months in advance, pass the test, etc. .. In my case I went with "Children First", my entry in their program to my departure to Sydney, it took 1 month. I had to provide documentary evidence of my comfort with children (eg letter of recommendation from parents of children I had kept, photos, etc ...)
2 - ; take out special insurance au pair
3 - sure to have a passport valid for the duration of stay
4 - apply for Working Holiday Visa, which will be valid 1 year, renewable for one additional year if we start harvesting the fruit from local farmers for 3 months minimum.

Here you can start searching for your ticket!


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