Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Do Chicken Pox Look Like

Who with me at the Salon of Beauty Shiseido Private? Smoothing

If you follow my blog regularly then you know my love and affection for the brand Shiseido. I've connected with some very special people working for the brand, shared unforgettable moments, I joined the Zen philosophy and I immediately liked the products I found a remarkable quality. That is why I am pleased to participate in Private Room of Beauty will be held on March 19.
private rooms of Beauty
. They
mission is to provide knowledge mastered the care and makeup. Basically, a small group of keen on makeup and / or complete beginners wishing each other as glean practical advice, understanding the needs of his skin, improve their technique or learn the basic gestures for example, there has everyone as the beauty consultant who takes care of us takes the time, 3 hours, care for each of us.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level, age ...
useful info. Shiseido
installs its private rooms of Beauty at the Bon Marché of March 16 to 19 and the Galeries Lafayette Haussmann from March 21 to 24. To register you must be a member of Club Omotenashi in line or be a fan of the Facebook page .
is totally free and you do not push us to buy. To preserve the quality of exchanges and enhance the close each session is limited to 12 participants.
Who with me?
Shiseido allows me to invite 5 of my readers to share a moment of complicity the Salon of Beauty Private to be held at the Bon Marché on March 19 from 15h to 18h. So if you're in Paris or able to move and are available at this date and time
I propose - let me know in the comments
- and answer the following question: among the 13 new shades of Dazzling red which is my favorite? (You can find the answer here - I left a comment on the paper reporting the 13 colors, comment in which I give a clear answer).
You have until Saturday, March 5 at 22h to participate (Do not worry if you do not see the comments appear immediately, I moderated).
It is therefore March 19 at the Bon Marché girls? Chat history trivia, applying cosmetics, have fun and be "for real" as yours! :-)


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