Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creative Biology Quotes

When cracked effect of OPI nail unleashed passions

During my visit to the nail bar in the Marais I took the opportunity to pamper my nails, I offered a manicure folaï that many envy me now: a little crackle effect that makes me gaga!
Step by step a manicure slamming:
1 / is applied to the base to protect the nail.
2 / We apply two coats of the color of their choice. For my part, I chose the beautiful Lucerne-tainly look Marvellous Collection of Swiss IPOs. It also Glitzerland gun with the same collection, a nice golden brown. One can opt for more fun colors (pink, green, blue ...).
3 / Once the varnish has dried, apply a thin layer of top coat of OPI Black Shatter. Very quickly crackled effect magically appears showing the color underneath.

Result without top coat: black appears dull

Result with a layer of top coat
Recommendations Anais, beautician in the new nail bar OPI Color Of Culture in the heart of the marsh and which I mentioned yesterday :
- wait until the varnish is dry before applying Shatter
- Shatter apply a thin layer to leave there trace, it does not matter because the crackle effect will not show these signs while a thick layer of Shatter would make pies .
And you girls, you could not resist the cracked nail?
NB you remember that you can accompany me to the private rooms of Beauty Shiseido by registering here?

Polaroid Camera Diagram

OPI nail bar again new concept

In the heart of the Marais, on the lovely Place du Marche Sainte Catherine, the newest nail bar Culture of Color OPI is nestled.
. What
new under the layers of varnish you say! This is the first place which, in addition to hosting its traditional nail bar, brings together a beauty of feet and 4 treatment rooms.
. Surrounded
hundreds of colorful bottles rotate the head so there are different shades, we can now, in addition to its usual manicures and other poses polish, pamper themselves in the foot installed wholesale massage chairs, but also to tweezers or a massage.
The treatment menu is varied (body care and facial products with the brand but also Cellu Comfort Zone M6, for example), so that each will find his happiness.
arches, the stone walls, subdued tones and classes (white, taupe, slate gray), location - beautiful - ready to relax.
. .
One of 4 treatment rooms (non-canon? I see myself well ...)

Space manicure

Space pedicure

A nice tag tells me the road
. .
Culture of Color OPI
5 rue d'Ormesson
75004 Paris M ° Saint Paul

. .
Ready for a truly relaxing girls?
NB you remember that you can accompany me to the private rooms of Beauty Shiseido by registering here?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Do Chicken Pox Look Like

Who with me at the Salon of Beauty Shiseido Private? Smoothing

If you follow my blog regularly then you know my love and affection for the brand Shiseido. I've connected with some very special people working for the brand, shared unforgettable moments, I joined the Zen philosophy and I immediately liked the products I found a remarkable quality. That is why I am pleased to participate in Private Room of Beauty will be held on March 19.
private rooms of Beauty
. They
mission is to provide knowledge mastered the care and makeup. Basically, a small group of keen on makeup and / or complete beginners wishing each other as glean practical advice, understanding the needs of his skin, improve their technique or learn the basic gestures for example, there has everyone as the beauty consultant who takes care of us takes the time, 3 hours, care for each of us.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level, age ...
useful info. Shiseido
installs its private rooms of Beauty at the Bon Marché of March 16 to 19 and the Galeries Lafayette Haussmann from March 21 to 24. To register you must be a member of Club Omotenashi in line or be a fan of the Facebook page .
is totally free and you do not push us to buy. To preserve the quality of exchanges and enhance the close each session is limited to 12 participants.
Who with me?
Shiseido allows me to invite 5 of my readers to share a moment of complicity the Salon of Beauty Private to be held at the Bon Marché on March 19 from 15h to 18h. So if you're in Paris or able to move and are available at this date and time
I propose - let me know in the comments
- and answer the following question: among the 13 new shades of Dazzling red which is my favorite? (You can find the answer here - I left a comment on the paper reporting the 13 colors, comment in which I give a clear answer).
You have until Saturday, March 5 at 22h to participate (Do not worry if you do not see the comments appear immediately, I moderated).
It is therefore March 19 at the Bon Marché girls? Chat history trivia, applying cosmetics, have fun and be "for real" as yours! :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Georgia Drivers License Templates

Brazilian real solution or bad idea?

I relapsed!
Nine months! Nine months that I did not re-shaping Brazilian! My hair was sparkling again become unmanageable and difficult to style, forcing me to use a lot of different products to make them into something good.
Remember last May I was greeted by the formidable Rino Nicolo, which in 2 hours time, made me smile. It was time to do something and only the smooth Brazilian was able to restore my body hair: hair sheathed, flexible, soft, easy to comb, repaired ...
So in a Parisian salon that my hair back to life. Within the lounge there is a corner called Extensions VIP specializes in placement of hair extensions (we hear about very soon: we follow Lucy who won a poses extensions) but also in shaping Brazilian . So the charming and bubbly Svetlana who took care of me.
1 / 2 shampoos that are made are used to remove hair from all impurities and scales that will open to allow better penetration of the keratin and set. The 2nd shampoo is placed 10 minutes.
2 / smoothing product (full of keratin) is applied to wicks wicks to 1 cm from the scalp Using a fine toothed comb and tight.
3 / Without being rinsed, the hair is then dried and smoothed over dry hair using a round brush with small diameter (as I expected to see a brush used large diameter given my length and my hair mass).
4 / Hair is finally smoothed over straightening iron set to high temperature. The smoothing step is the most important and most delicate. So those last two steps that determine the result of smoothing Brazil.
. The result


The care with keratin (because yes, the Brazilian smoothing is indeed an intensive care and not a relaxer as many believe) has once again done a very foolish in my hair soft and shiny they are, more Strong, padded and protected. They also won in length (I would say about 2 cm) and have a little clarification.
Before I put the smooth Brazilian 3 / 4 of an hour to smooth my hair (dry hair straightener +), now I put ... between 5 and 10 minutes! Not surprising when you see how the hair is dried without brush or flat iron, just passing the fingers inside:
The hard work is already done, it remains for me to go once the plates of the straightener coarsely ground. Saving time monster!
During the 3 days after the Brazilian smoothing it is important not to wet hair, tie, stuck behind the ear, wear a helmet or hat.
useful info.
Prices range from 150 to 290 € depending on the mass and length of hair. If you've done some research about the Brazilian smoothing you will agree that prices in this show are extremely attractive (about 300 €, or 400 € in some rooms), this is explained by the fact that the boss decided to make this task very popular with women today available many.
Very important note: the owner is also very often in connection with the Afsapps (the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products) has listed the hair smoothing products must not be used to ensure that products used in the show are not dangerous.
Reminder: Brazilian smoothing is possible on all hair types (curly, frizzy, curly, colored, highlighted, natural ...) unlike the Japanese straightening.
To make an appointment and / or go to the Extensions Vip lounge:
19 Avenue of the Republic

75011 Paris M °
Oberkampf or République Tel: 01 47 70 58 20
More information site and Facebook page
So, tempted by the smooth Brazilian girls?

What Age Can My Leopard Gecko Eat Pinkies

Smoothing Brazilian Loulou

Loulou is my girlfriend. Loulou practice but also the smooth Brazilian home for 8 years, it's his job to Loulou to beautiful hair for girls who are tired of fighting with their clump, then she does it all mean well.
She also divinely employed hair of Anna jealous that my smoothing Brazil. Since she saw. Instead, look:
Since it is called Anna brazziiiiil do!
To see how was the Brazilian smoothing Anna Soar read Article .
In the meantime, if smoothing Brazilian Anna you like, you can contact Lounja ways:
his facebook
The prices are super reasonable Lounja: 100 to 230 € who says better?!
If you are connected smoothing Brazilian I offer:
- another article this afternoon
- very nice for a competition this weekend (I suggest you read the article by Anna if you want to win a Brazilian smoothing )
Stay tuned!