Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Is My Face Red After Eating


Gourmet Tour in Savoy ...

Imagine a radiant sun, whose rays warm your face nicely. Imagine a horizon stands the goodwill of the mountains. Imagine a quiet landscape, white, where the only sound you hear is the crunch of snow under our feet. Imagine the same landscape in summer. The green covered dozens of miles, the sun shines and the light landed without difficulty in this landscape concave and convex. Today, we take you to Chambery, Rhone region Alps. The winter holidays approaching, it's time to pack your bags and leave for a gourmet climbing in the Alps!

The time is the local specialties. Of good food well hidden until the neighborhood restaurants more sides, Chambery is full of small squares of restoration, when all the greedy may find themselves. Here, tartiflette, raclette, fondue quality thoroughly prepared. Simmer your taste, feel these flavors when the dishes come out of the kitchen.

in Chambéry, the valley of hunger is downstream of a fine meal, and let gradually up to climb the hill of dishes not to be missed. Keep your head up and choose what you like. A collar of delights, a gourmet peak or peak flavor, whatever your choice, you will always end up doing good. Arriving at the summit, the culmination of the feast, it will do more than let you go. Come down quietly to the valley of hunger, although you will end up borrowing a rise greedy!

Go to Chambery!


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