Friday, September 25, 2009

Fotos De Travesti Holga

Not really the time to write prose, just enough to say we're full view of the various phenomena of the geothermal region of Rotorua. Earth smoke, rivers are boiling, mud splashes, the volcons sleep, lakes sulfur stink! ...
We drive north to seek the sun, but it's the rain that accompanies us, almost without interruption. The beaches are likely to be less pretty, walking less attractive and less practical picnic ... Too bad, we'll still finish last 2 weeks of our trip here and take the flight!
The return to the North Island has been brutal, full of cars, lots of people, both red at all intersections, campaigns inhabited ... A world separates us from the Otago and South of the country!
Now that we are dry, we resume our journey, between 2 showers and we enthuse landscapes that we see through the windshield wipers!
We've had bad luck in the north with the weather! No wonder this country is so green and so wild! To our jackets and our boots, we are left to brave the drops!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Black On Kitten Nose Ringworm

balance in approaching the end of the trail

11 months have elapsed since our first foot on the wet floor of the Auckland Airport! Today it is difficult to summarize in a few lines all that time spent to discover a new country! So on the eve of departure from Queenstown where the suitcases were put half of this trip, we wonder what we will miss the most!
Do not see John Key every day on TV speaking on topics as diverse as avian flu or the disappointing results of the All Blacks? Do not meet him in person at the corner of a bath crowd? Do not watch on TV advertising interspersed with film? Do not cross people barefoot in supermarkets? Not having to yield to the car that comes across when you want to turn left? Do not need to wear 3 sweaters in the house at night to avoid freezing to death? Do not feel the earth move under our feet? In
réfléhissant, which will miss most probably the beauty of the landscape, the sunrise over the Remarkables chain, the calm of Lake Wakatipu, the mix of nationalities, the people relaxed mind, positive attitude premises as there is never a problem, opening up the supermarket midnight or even the privilege of being in a paradise!

We have two good weeks to finish our journey. So en route to the North to enjoy one last time to discover unknown places and assets of the country.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Black Pants Purple Shirt

Small world

Until then, it's a normal day. Then there is 13h when a group of people arrived at the hotel to register and get the keys to their rooms. One client
m'étudie carefully, then wonder
"Do not I'd seen him somewhere?"
thoughtfully, I reply that it is possible but remember the head this gentleman.
He continues to search the depths of his memory and say to myself
"it must be in Europe ... probably in France in Carcassonne ... ... No, not in Carcassonne, but rather in Toulouse!"
Suddenly, a flash memory returns to me. I remember once having allowed this customer with his wife in the residential hotel where I worked last year. I instantly recalled the conversation with the couple exchanged New Zealand, I had told them my travel plans in their beautiful country and asked them where they were! We all exclaim
"Yes, we met at Citéa!"
and I continue:
"You were with your wife and you're in the bay of ..."
"Bay of Plenty" he replied!

What chance, what a coincidence! This gentleman, who probably travel more than me, remembers the receptionist at the hotel where he stayed during a trip to Toulouse 14 months ago! Never would I recognized this gentleman! Guests file past my desk, asking me the same questions and they all look a bit! Some of my mark and leave vivid memories, snatches of about print sometimes, but mostly, their faces fade!
This special time of the day though rather trivial a priori completely filled me with joy! Someone at the other end of the world still remembers the reception I gave him long before and recognizes me when I meet him in a totally different environment!
With this anecdote, I realize that a single receptionist, ephemeral character in the life of any person in transit, can create a unique and lasting impression!
What a small world and that the encounter with others is rich!