Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free Plans For A Dune Buggy

Back ... Around Rotorua

feet rested on the ground, the clock resetting the clock, the laundry machine, slammed the kisses to the family (or almost), the return is done!
The last two weeks at the other end of the earth have been placed under the sign of the holiday and the discovery of the North. The rain was our constant companion as was our car that we were separated a week of boarding the plane. Last week, the last day, last meal, last night ... the countdown has been faster than the entire year in-country long white cloud!
In return, what are the essential questions that we knock; "then how was it?", "and now, what do you do ?"... The first answer is easier to find than the second! It is more ambiguous cons us back into immediate concrete projects! Let us happiness and nostalgia vast spaces of New Zealand, allow us time to get back into the breakneck pace of its urban towns and excited, let us naively pleased to find the taste of bread, cheese and charcuterie, let us the right to dream of other horizons! Then comes the time for answers! Post envisaged as and As habits come back, too after we anticipate spoils the moment. It is a thousand times easier to consider the start to imagine the back! But we're back anyway!