Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sell Wooden Fingerboard

The earth shook

Tonight, comfortably installed in our sofas by the fireplace, book in hand and the TV in the background, a sound of thunder echoes in the distance. We call our roommate, New Zealand, more experienced than us about life in this country and submit it our feeling of instability .... We cut the TV, tendons ear, we stand on our feet. Yes, the house move ... it's an earthquake. For a few seconds, maybe 30/40 - time will seem interminable - shaking intrigue us, we hesitate between fear and awe by force of nature ... Contrary to good advice taught to work at a training session, such as poor student, I can not help but get close to the windows to look outside. Nothing falls, the tremor stops already and we breathe a sigh of relief. It was not yet the "Big One"!
After we recovered from the excitement of novelty, we hop on the computer to confirm the event. After some research, we come across a few sites dedicated to the observation of seismic activity. Eureka! There was indeed an earthquake 175km away from here, measured at 7.8 or 6.6 at the epicenter according to sources! We soon feel the need to share our emotions hot typing these few lines. This event for thousands of ordinary people too accustomed to disasters of this kind, we honestly impressed while fascinating us! In retrospect, realizing that what we just experienced was only an exercise routine for Mother Nature and that probably no one and nothing is found damaged, we are pleased to have been fully aware of the quake and especially not have been where sea lions and penguins had to spend almost smell them ... ...!

PS: reference for enthusiasts and curious .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Wig Medusa Soul Eater

The winter season and festivities started, launched by the Festival of Winter. It has long been announced, waited impatiently imagined grandiose. It would be huge, attracting hundreds of people, prevent the city from sleeping. It will eventually short for us, virtually ignored and not so lively as that. Not that the program of activities was non-existent, no, there were some curiosities such as a costume contest dives into the lake, fireworks, a carnival or the ski jumps on the slopes. However, none of which excite us, us Europeans, perhaps too accustomed to shows much more impressive animations or whose creativity make them more original. Once again, we're a little disappointed by the attempts of organizing events. The local crowd seemed rather contented with the fireworks that has yet lasted 2mn 20s, excited by the carnival from 2-3 masks marching to the sound of drums Brazilian monotone, before a hilarious race of Directors of 'disguised as hotels Dragqueen sastisfaite or by a combination of Top Blokes (sort of "Mister Queenstown) where the pride and the burden seems to be the qualities to please! We realize that this kind of events is in fact mostly a good opportunity to meet friends and share a beer or mulled wine!
After 10 days of the festival, families have arrived in Queenstown to spend their two weeks holiday, the streets are again filled and the line of cars stretches in front of our house when the slopes close at 16h. Winter is here!