Friday, December 26, 2008

Healthy Food Smithfields Bbq

Christmas in the sun

Christmas ... Meals endless fireside, foie gras, chocolates and stuffed turkeys; cold, wind, snow sometimes, sharing gifts galore, family gatherings, holiday ... But what about for all travelers on this planet orbiting far from their families and alone in their hostel or budget hotel? Actually, Christmas is a day like any other, since nothing special is really intended.
We would use the Internet to send the traditional vows, but soon you realize that Christmas is not a normal day for all, not a single trader does is dedicated to open its doors from lonely ... So, watching TV, we tell our ways of celebrating Christmas at home, we remember the best dinners, the most beautiful gifts, Christmas the most magical ... That's when we said that we are no longer children, yet neither of the parents, and that Christmas does not mean much. Nestled in the sofas of youth hostel, the 4 or 5 U.S. expatriates and myself we gluons on the diffusing screen, 'Mama I missed the plane'. It has seen dozens of times before but had never before realized how much the film is rather depressed when you find yourself as the hero, to spend this special time of the year alone! Christmas Eve will take place and therefore, almost as if nothing had happened.
Against all odds and any previously prepared plan, on Christmas Day will be one of the most memorable ever spent! After Julian joined me, we come across a young local all excited to have a few lost travelers looking to share a good Christmas lunch only New Zealanders. Without much hesitation, we accept trying not to feel too uncomfortable in our clothes and our hands crumpled empty! Argentine-Australian couple following us with a bottle of wine and cheese to offer. Soon we find ourselves seated with a family including 3 of 4 children living away from home and whose parents are trying to recreate a family atmosphere and lively. Finally, this Christmas will be more special than all others because it's never been as full of simplicity, tolerance and spontaneity! To cap the day so unexpected, we enjoy the sun we walk around the Otago Peninsula. On the beach, we meet lots of travelers who have certainly not had the chance to be invited, dozens of sea lions larvae on the sand and 2 penguins returning from fishing!
Christmas has been more successful than he appeared to be! We will try to remember and if the opportunity arises to live at a Christmas single backpackers to the local way of the country visited.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trade In Ps3 Bluetooth Headset

Seasonal Greetings

At this time of year-end, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful year. For you, for you, a small air atmosphere of Christmas in the sun!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Cgistart? Page=single

Christchurch ...

Time passes, I realize that a good ten days has passed since my last comment on our journey ...
What's new? We arrived in town, in Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island. 340 000 inhabitants live in this city where residential areas are spread out of sight. She claims to be the most English of all cities outside England. The large central square, buildings that rise, wide avenues cutting the arteries checkerboard, the sun, the beaches crowded with tattooed surfers do not make me think the perfidious Albion. Certainly the banks of the River Avon, manors scattered in large parks, some red brick houses or LHD recall the colonizing country. However, life looks more relaxed than the city, people seem to take the time and traffic and pollution are rather abstract concepts!
We try to make a place in this city. Looking for a job and a place to live occupy our days. We still have time to visit, participate in local events or we integrate the local fabric.
Christmas is coming. Here, hats and gloves occupy the bottom cabinets while Tshirts and shorts are playing an increasingly substantial. Children write their list to Santa that makes more appearances! We've seen him in flip flops and surfing under his arm at a large outdoor concert. Christmas is definitely the coolest in the Southern Hemisphere!